Sunday, January 25, 2015

Today we talk about the future, the children!  I will call it "A Trip to the Future". About six years ago, I designed some labels to go inside book covers. Then in some cases I would ask groups of students to read a book. Since they sat in rows in the class room, I picks the rows. They each had to read the book, and sign on the label "A Trip to the Future". Each group would then pick one person to deliver a speech on that book. At the end of each Youth Leadership Program, we would have a graduation/speech contest, where the families are invited. The students goal then deliver a speech on the book. The book

Pulling Weeds to Picking Stocks Paperback – August 5, 2008

  "Teen authors The Beatty Brothers offer an account of common financial insecurities in their inspirational how-to, Pulling Weeds to Picking Stocks. Heeding their parents advice, David, Devin, and Deric Beatty have spent their childhood and adolescent years pulling weeds for extra cash, preparing and presenting marketing strategies, picking stocks, and investing in their future. Pulling Weeds to Picking Stocks includes their easy-to-follow tips for being rich at fifteen, thirteen, and seven, such as budget worksheets, work ethics, asset liability evaluation, and tithing. No matter what age, you can follow these practical guidelines to make cents of the change in your life."  See the winner: 12 year old Chloe..

When I joined Toastmasters in 2003
Toastmasters International is a world leader in communication and leadership development. Our membership is 292,000 strong. These members improve their speaking and leadership skills by attending one of the 14,350 clubs in 122 countries that make up our global network of meeting locations.)

 I had no idea how Toastmasters would impact my life.  When you realize what you can do as a teacher, leader, communicator, it becomes "A Trip to the Future"!

So many children since Chloe and that class of 2008, have touched my soul!  As I wrote in blog Break Down That Wall
"Remember you don't have to be rich, just be real!"

Friends, YSTA is about being innovative, being real! 

You may ask the question, are the children learning?  Read blog: The Kids Say Thank You and


Thursday, January 8, 2015

Truly amazing

The first meeting with the (AKAdemy)  students was truly amazing. All the students received the Toastmaster Youth Leadership manual. 
 We must thank the Speak Easy Toastmasters club #4698  for supporting and supplying the YLP manuals. 
Truthfully it is so hard to put into words how important teaching public speaking and leadership is. Without the amazing support of AKAdemy and Speak Easy Toastmasters, in Pinellas Park, the YLP would be so much harder. 
 Last night all students age's 14-18 came to the front of the room and presented their  first speech the Ice Breaker  (IB). The IB is a speech about you. These students did a remarkable job with no knowledge they were going to be asked to stand in front of the room and tell their story.
This program is possible because of the dedication of Cassandra Williams, and Denise Smith- AKAdemy. Also thank you to Felicia Pizanna-Contract Manager w/Juvenile Welfare Board, for her visit. 

 Next meeting Jan. 14
AKademy Junior/Senior
Public Speaking Workshops - for High School Students
Location:  Johnson Branch Library
1059 18th Ave S.,  St. Peterburg Fl. 33705
Time: 6:00 - 7:30 pm
Sessions (8 weeks)  meetings
Jan. 7 - 14 - 28
Feb. 4 - 11 - 18
Mar. 4 - 11


Youth Leadership Programs - 2015 

Program: YLP - speech contest / graduation
Pasadena Fundamental Elementary
95 72nd St N, St Petersburg, FL 33710 
Date: Thrus. 1/15
 Time:  5:30 - 8pm,  this program starts at 6pm sharp.
Visitors are welcome
Please take the time is see this great group of 10 years old students deliver speeches. The confidence and poise after just 8 programs is amazing.

Meet Toastmaster and author Scott Howard. He has put over 100 hours into every page of Artsy Ant Alphabet Art adventures. It is an amazing way for young children to learn the alphabet. 




Building a Toolbox

  • The vision board
  • Extemporaneous / impromptu speaking-called Table Topics (T T)
  • Your first speech - title: About Me 
  • Learning the art of speech evaluation
  • Each student will receive the  Youth Leadership Handbook 

The goals of each meeting:
  1. A fun way for your children to learn public speaking.
  2. Creating and learning how to answer those extemporaneous questions,  build speeches, present speeches and evaluate speeches.
  3. Lots of emphasis on the use of filler words, such as like, and,so, also overcoming the use of hums & ah's.
  4. The program is based on weekly participation, if possible. Becoming a good speaker is work and the more often the child speaks, the quicker their confidence will grow.
  5. Experience growth with guest speakers, evaluations by experienced speakers, and continuing mentor-ship.
  6. At each meeting the children actively participate in evaluating each other.
  7. This will be a continuing program.

Timing: each meeting will have an assigned timer
  • T T : up to 1 minute
  • Speeches: 2-3 minutes
  • Evaluations: up to 1 minute

Location: Hope Lutheran Church
Address:  1801 62nd Ave N. 
                St. Petersburg, Fl. 33702 - parking behind building on 18th St.
                                                            look for YSTA signs
Meeting time depends on how many students 10-12pm
Dates tentative: 
June 17 - 24 
July  1 - 8 - 15 - 22 - 29
Aug.  5
Aug.  6  Graduation / Speech Contest -- families are invited  5:30 - 8pm